Kevin Ochsner has shown that teaching people to think of adversity in different ways--to reframe it in positive terms when the initial response is negative, or in a less emotional way when the initial response is emotionally “hot”---changes how they experience and react to the adversity. ...
The bathroom is long and narrow and has a raised ‘altar’ at the far end where the toilet sits. The odd placement is necessitated by the semi-basement’s lower position in relation to the septic tank. Ki-Woo walks in and climbs onto the toilet seat. He continues to fish for a sign...
1.1.4.Culture(frompsychologicalperspective):cultureisthecollectiveprogrammingofhemindwhichdistinguishesthemembersofonecategoryofpeoplefromanother。(从心理学角度定义文化:文化是使一个人类群体成员区别于其他人类群体的思维的总体规划。) 1.1.5.Culture(frominterculturalcommunicationperspective):Cultureisalearnedsetofshared...
Major trauma patients (MTP) experience multiple life-changing physical injuries, with a high prevalence of road traffic collisions (RTC) and falls [3,4]. Between 2013 and 2016 falls were the most common mechanism of injury at 41 % [5]. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be ...
The word ‘misophonia’ literally means ‘ahatredof sound’ and is sometimes calledSelective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome. There are some experts who doubt the existence of the condition. However, for those who claim to suffer from it, the experience can betraumatic. Certain soundstriggerintense emoti...
Our own conclusion is that an event is traumatic if it is extremely upsetting and at least temporarily overwhelms the individual's internal resources. This broader definition is used throughout this book, since people who experience major threats to psychological integrity can suffer as much as ...
Dahm J, Ponsford J: Comparison of long-term outcomes follow- ing traumatic injury: what is the unique experience for those with brain injury compared with orthopaedic injury? Injury 2015;46:142-149.J. Dahm and J. Ponsford, "Comparison of long-term outcomes following traumatic injury: what is...
Lost, empty, alone and searching. As individuals who have experienced separation or divorce, or even the loss of a loved one to death, the separation can be the most traumatic experience we live through. The heart-wrenching pain that seems to never really go away, the enormous waves that ...
Understand trauma and how it affects the psyche. Shows examples of traumatic stress symptoms, Do’s and Don’ts. About PTSD and more.
To lose a child is the most devastating thing that can happen to a person. Because it doesn’t happen very often, it means that the average non-medical person hasn’t had the experience of talking to or consoling a bereaved parent. It’s anextremelydifficult time for everyone. ...