Good examples of this are smoking, exposure to radiation (i.e. from cell phones), and overexposure to ultraviolet rays, which result in lung cancer, brain cancer, and skin cancer, respectively. Experts estimate that more than half the cases of cancer are preventable with lifestyle changes. ...
Recognizing obesity as a disease is also important because it means that, like cancer,Crohn’s disease, and other widely-accepted medical conditions, health care providers can write prescriptions for treatment. How to Calculate BMI When diagnosing, most doctors and medical organizations use a measure...
Agricultural trade associations havedefended glyphosateas "one of the safest, most effective" tools farmers have to manage weeds and support "important conservation practices." Kennedy's plea to crack down onfood additivesand chemicals comes as the FDA is in the middle of launching itsown new effo...
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women worldwide.It usually begins in the cells lining the cervix,where they gradually develop pre-cancerous changes that can turn into cancer These changes typically take several years,but can happen quickly in some cases.For most women,pre-...
The most serious risk of an ultrasound involves its use for guiding biopsies. For instance, if an abnormality is seen in the liver, a needle can be inserted into the abdomen with ultrasonographic guidance to collect a sample from the abnormal tissue. This carries the risk of potentially lacera...
Cancerthat has metastasized or spread to the liver can also be the source of ascites. Other causes of ascites include: Heart failureis the inability of the heart muscle to adequately pump the fluid within the blood vessels. This can cause a variety of problems, but most notably, fluid backs...
Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable cancers, yet more than 14,000 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with the disease this year, according to the American Cancer Society. Cervical cancer is often stigmatized due to its association with human papilloma virus (HPV), a sexually tr...
Currently,one woman dies every two minutesfrom this disease, which is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Cervical cancer is preventable. The global strategy has three pillars: getting 90% of girls vaccinated against HPV by age 15; ensuring 70% of women are screened by the age of 45;...
Most cancersare preventablethrough a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise. What are the different types of tumors? For breast cancer, the tumors can be classified into types: Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS):Non-invasive cancer (meaning it has not invaded the underlying tissue beneath theepitheli...
Mpox is also highly preventable with a few simple steps: Avoid contact with people that have a rash resembling mpox. This includes contact with the clothes, sheets, blankets and towels used by the person. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water if you think you've had contact. ...