1 What do you think arc the most SUCCeSSful movies that have been produced? 2 What is needed to make a great movie? I ExPlore 1 References: 1 What do you think are the most SIlCCeSSful movies that have been produced? PerSOnalIy SPeaking. among all the mo∖ ies IVe watched. although...
Before I fall right off the face Disappear out of the frame You're only good as what you give I thought I could make it work To never let it hurt And keep the dream alive I'll keep telling myself that They wouldn't understand ...
Using an on-site questionnaire survey conducted in the People's Park (PP) in Baoji, China, this study is the first to consider the relationship among eight sensory dimensions, activity types and stress recovery in Chinese green space. Results showed that the highest-stressed respondents were ...