解析:what does ‘'the million-dollar question"(line l,para. 8) most suitably refer to“百万美元的问题”(第l行,第8段. 最恰当地指作什么 a.it is a question that is worth a million dollars.这是个价值百万美元的问题。 b.it is a difficult question that no one can give a final answer...
It can be measured over a single financial quarter, a year, a decade, or even the entire life of the business. Regardless of the methods used, the objective is the same: to capture the amount of value that has been created. Value can be defined differently for shareholders, depending on...
That’s the million-dollar question. Young designers today are often competitive. They want to prove themselves and play the game. But the market today is too fragmented, and the big brands have already honed their skills for several decades. How can a young brand compete with that? And ...
Here is the million dollar question: what are some areas of common interests for Chinese and outsiders that can make for easy discussion? NO.1 闲聊 Small talk is the quickest way to get people to like and maybe trust you. Worst scenario is it'd help fill the awkward silence at the very...
Catching cancer at its earliest stages, when it's most treatable, can save countless lives. But themillion-dollar questionis: in an otherwise healthy body made up of trillions of cells, how can wezero in ona small group ofr...
What is the meaning of "Dough"? What does "to be tender" mean? What does that mean " in a bid" ? What does "bang for your buck" mean? What does "she will make me mad cash" mean? 相同关键字的提问 you‘d think a million dollars would trump anyone's sense of self-...
That's the million dollar question (literally). Zillow actually had a contest awarding $1M to whoever can improve their algorithm. Here's an exact quote on how they explain their calculations. "We use proprietary automated valuation models that apply advanced algorithms to analyze our data to ...
The million dollar question is - Is Hodinkee trying to be a Basecamp, or an Eero? LukeHDesmo·4 years ago·edited 4 years ago I can't disagree with you about the answer I gave. Then again, had you written that comment, I would have given you a more thoughtful response. Since I...
What does the million dollar question mean? million-dollar question (plural million-dollar questions) (figuratively)A question that is very important and/or difficult to answer. Would you for a million dollars Questions? What Would You Do For A Million Bucks?
1.Whereisthistextprobablytakenfrom? A.Atextbook. B.Anexampaper C.Acourseplan. D.Anacademicarticle. 2.How manypartsisastudent?sfinalgrademade upof? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five. 3.Whatwillhappenifyousubmitanessayone weekaftertheduedate? A.Youwillreceiveazero. B.Youwilllosealettergrade...