Microsoft Graph provides access to data stored across Microsoft 365 services. Custom applications can use the Microsoft Graph API to connect to data and use it in custom applications to enhance organizational productivity.
Use Microsoft Graph Toolkit in web apps: Microsoft Graph Toolkit is best suited for use in web applications. With minimal configuration, it enables people to sign in to your app with their Microsoft 365 account. Using the different components, you can load data directly from Microsoft 365, ...
Anew query parameter“notifyOnUserSpecificProperties” lets users get properties for a chat, like “viewpoint”, which shows when the user read the last message and whether the chat is hidden. This is useful for developers who useMicrosoft Graph Toolkitto make chat clients, for example. This q...
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Each recommendation is measured based on your configuration. If you're using non-Microsoft products to enable a best practice recommendation, you can indicate this configuration in the settings of an improvement action. You might set recommendations to be ignored if they don't apply to your enviro...
We're thrilled to share that unified APIs that are part of the Microsoft Graph with a single endpoint, permissions, auth model, and access token are now available in public preview. The Microsoft Def...
Risky sign-ins:A risky sign-in is reported when there are one or more risk detections reported for that sign-in. Risky users:A Risky user is reported when either or both of the following are true: The user has one or more Risky sign-ins. ...
The same is the case when you search using the search box. You'll see personalized search results based on what's likely to be relevant to you. So how can Delve know what’s relevant to you? The brains behind Delve is the Microsoft Graph. The Microsoft Graph continuo...
You can ask your questions in the Business Chat function. The Business Chat is a chat model that makes use of an LLM that works together with Microsoft Graph. When you put your prompt in Business Chat, it will derive information from MS Graph. This information will come back to the LLM,...
Graph Database Use Case: Money Laundering Conceptually, money laundering is simple. Dirty money is passed around to blend it with legitimate funds and then turned into hard assets. This is the kind of process that was used in the Panama Papers analysis. ...