Overlay text that gives your audience context as to what it is you’ve found out that has you giddy with excitement. Here are some ideas for this trend: Finding out that our office will be trialing an “early Friday finish time” over the summer. Finding out that the client wants to...
Doge memes are created using different Shiba Inu photos surrounded by text in the Comic Sans font. The text is written in an improper form such as ‘wow‘ and ‘much increase‘ and is meant to portray what the dog is thinking. The Dogecoin logo is the face of the Shiba Inu dog, with...
All-capitals provide visibility—maximum size within a given area. And that works online, too. All-caps in an email looks like shouting because when someone is shouting, you’re aware of the shout, and not the nuance. ALL-CAPS FILL THE SPACE, so there’s an element of feeling that the...
parties through it, is very honest, very blunt. A little bit volatile. Like, does dumb things. But it’s brat. You’re brat. That’s brat,” she said in the video.
The homepage is a vanilla flavoured list which curates mostly technology and mathematics related content. One can find here quotes, comments, articles, videos and opinions.
使用下方的字体转换工具预览 What I Want For Christmas 字体。您可以搭配各种颜色和文字特效。 输入字体大小 选择文字效果 无渐变-水平渐变-垂直渐变-径向阴影-小阴影-大阴影-实心S阴影-实心L阴影-条纹轮廓-A轮廓-B轮廓-D轮廓-透明艺术字-狂欢三宝艺术字-苹果艺术字-BackwooA艺术字-BackwooB艺术字-Banner艺术字-...
My reaction to this new meme is, aptly enough, “the equivalent of a slack-jawed stare of bafflement”. I am simply unable to grasp how it is that this “what” is “using and distorting the conventions of writing” to achieve any end at all. Maybe it’s because I always vocalise ...
The existence of the so-called Greenhouse Effect is not the issue. What is the issue is whether or not the Greenhouse Effect is the principal driver of the climate of the Earth. I accept the existence of the Greenhouse Effect, but do not accept that it is either the main driver of the...
Note:The image, courtesy ofmemegenerator.net. The new Compose Well, it turns out that Google is no longer satisfied with providing normal, sane and practical UI for their users, which has been one of their leading advantages in the past, over cheesy and cluttered rival solutions, they are ...