What is the medical term forsweating? In medicine, the termhidrosisis used to refer to “sweating” or, sometimes, “excessive sweating.” The Englishhidrosiswas first recorded in the 1890s. It comes from the Greek wordhídrōsis, meaning “sweating.” This word ultimately comes fromhidrṓs...
Plaque psoriasis(the medical term for this type is "psoriasis vulgaris" - vulgaris means common) is the most common type of psoriasis, affecting about 80% of sufferers.Plaque psoriasisappears on the elbows and knees, the scalp, and lower back, and is characterized by raised, red, inflamed s...
Gustatory rhinitis is the medical term for a runny nose or sneezing you may get after you eat hot or spicy foods. It's a type ofnonallergic rhinitis, where your nose gets inflammation but not because of anallergy. Symptoms of Gustatory Rhinitis Gustatory rhinitis can cause several irritating ...
Sex is supposed to feel good, but unfortunately, pain before, during, or after sex is not uncommon. Symptoms of dyspareunia, the medical term for painful sex, can vary depending on the person and the cause.1Infections, injuries, allergies, and certain health conditions, can all increase the ...
What is the medical term for bloody stool? A 76-year-old man with known colonic diverticulosis notices bright red blood in his stool. This is an example of which of the following? A. Melena. B. Hematochezia. C. Hematemesis. D....
Edema is the medical term for swelling caused by the retention of excessive fluids in the body tissues. Featured Slideshows Hepatitis C (Hep C)Transmission, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention What Is COPD?Learn About This Progressive Lung Disease Understanding CancerMetastasis, Stages of Cancer, ...
Pruritus is the medical term for ___. A Itching B Redness C Flaking D Scratching 07 In children and adults, atopic eczema usually occurs on the scalp first. A True B False 08 Atopic eczema is best controlled by good skin care. A True B False 09 Prescription treatments...
, and, as it happens, your belly button. the medical term for this fungal infection is candidiasis, and it happens when candida (yeast) that normally lives on your skin grows out of control, the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) says. if you happen to get this in your ...
An itchy right palm in Latin America is a sign that new opportunities are on the horizon and success may be coming. Medical Reasons for Right-Hand Itching While the superstition of right-hand itching indicating incoming wealth or good news is popular in many cultures, there are also some scie...
These drugs can minimize the length and intensity of an epidemic and be a long-term treatment to prevent or reduce the probability of an outbreak. Suppressive therapy with medicine is an effective treatment to reduce outbreaks and lower the risk of infection transmission.Exerciseand a well-balanced...