Identify the term: The medical term for heart attack. What is an abnormally rapid and shallow rate of breathing called? A. apnea B. dyspnea C. tachypnea D. hyperpnea What is the natural pacemaker of the heart called? A heartbeat of more than 100 beats per minute is called ___. a. ...
When the Heart Murmurs, What is it Saying? | What is a Heart MurmurSarah Samaan
Tell your provider about any symptoms you have and your medical history. You may need any of the following:An EKG records your heart rhythm and how fast your heart beats. It is used to check for the cause of your heart murmur. A chest x-ray may show the cause of your symptoms, such...
(a) Why might myocardial hypertrophy be good for an endurance athlete but bad for a hypertensive patient? (b) What does hypertension do to the heart? Hypertension: Hypertension is a medical term that describes an abnormally high...
You may have heard the term "heart murmur." A murmur is an extraheartsound that can be heard by a stethoscope. Sometimes, the murmur sounds like a humming, which can be faint or loud. It might be temporary or persistent. Heart murmurs may be present at birth or develop later in life...
Dyspnea is the medical term for shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. There are numerous causes for dyspnea, but common ones are asthma, COPD, bronchitis, heart problems and obesity.
The medical term hemolysis is defined as the breakdown of red blood cells (RBCs), also known as erythrocytes. Hemolysis usually refers to the natural destruction of old or damaged red blood cells. Typically, RBCs have a lifespan of about 120 days, after which they are broken down by the ...
How much you'll pay for an exam depends on what type of health insurance you have, if any. When checking your benefits, it's important to understand the terminology your doctor's office and insurers use. You may hear the term "annual physical," "annual exam," "routine exam," "checkup...
a physiological heart murmur in children disappears once the underlying condition is treated or once the child reaches their teenage years or adulthood. A pathological heart murmur in children indicates an underlying heart trouble that is usually structural in nature. It needs to be assessed and mana...
An enlarged heart keeps more of its pumping ability when it's “thick” rather than “thin.” What Causes an Enlarged Heart? Sometimes, damage to the heart, or related conditions, can cause an enlarged heart. Other times, there is no known reason why the heart enlarges and gets weak. ...