Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss and comes from the Greek word alōpekía referring to the skin condition, mange, in foxes.Alopecia areatacauses a unique form of hair loss different to the more common age-related male and female patternhair loss. It's also themost common autoimmune...
Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids, a common eye condition which affects both eyes. It usually occurs on the part of the eyelid where the eyelashes grow, and as a result, eyelids will feel itchy and have a reddish-pink appearance. The condition is most often the result of oil ...
You always have the right to refuse treatment. The above information is an educational aid only. It is not intended as medical advice for individual conditions or treatments. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical regimen to see if it is safe and effective for ...
If you are concerned and especially if you suffer from any eye problem, it is advisable to consult your doctor and then apply them for the long-term. SLIDESHOW Plastic Surgery: Before and After Photos of Cosmetic Surgeries See Slideshow What can you do to take care of your eyelashes? You...
The technical term that eye doctors use for a stye ishordeolum(hor-DEE-uh-lum). Ahordeolumis always an infected oil gland in the eyelid, but it may form in different types of oil glands. The type of oil gland that gets infected determines where on the eyelid the hordeolum will develop...
While blepharoplasty complications are rare, the anatomy around the eye is delicate, and there is a risk of injury to muscles, nerves, and eyelashes. If too much eyelid skin is removed from the upper eyelids, the procedure can affect your ability to fully close your eyes, while removing too...
While treatment for temporary dry eye disease and chronic dry eye syndrome are the same, chronic dry eyes often require long-term treatment. It’s also important to note that temporary dry eye can develop into chronic dry eye if left untreated. The way the brain processes the pain signals ...
Eye irritation is a general term used to describe the feeling when something is bothering your eyes or the surrounding area. While the symptoms may be similar,
Small, painful lump under your eyelid or at the base of your eyelashes. Eyelid is tender when you touch it. Eyes won't stop tearing up. How long do eye infections last? The infection will usually clear up in7 to 14 dayswithout treatment and without any long-term consequences. However, ...
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