Central to mediation is the concept of“informed consent.”So long as participants understand the nature of a contemplated mediation process and effectively consent to participate in the described process, virtually any mediation process is possible and appropriate. Key Qualities of the Mediation Process...
Role of the Mediator: What does a Mediator do? Mediation leaves the decision power totally and strictly with the parties. The mediator does not decide what is "fair" or "right," does not assess blame nor render an opinion on the merits or chances of success if the case were litigated. ...
This stage involves ensuring all the pertinent facts of the situation are known in order to clarify your own position. In the work example above, this would include knowing the ‘rules’ of your organisation, to whom help is given, when help is not felt appropriate and the grounds for such...
Mediation may be considered as “assisted negotiation”, whereas negotiation may be thought of as “communications for agreement.”Hence, mediation is “assisted communications for agreement.” Central to mediation is the concept of “informed consent“. So long as participants understand the nature ...
Mediation is the most common dispute resolution option; however, it is often misunderstood. Mediation allows you and your spouse to reach a fair settlement with the help of a third, neutral party called a mediator. Mediators, who can be lawyers, mental health professionals, clergy, or other ...
Cultural mediation is a profession that studies the cultural differences between people and then uses that data in problem...
Arbitration, on the other hand, is generally more formal than mediation. An arbitrator could be a retired or active judge, or a very experienced attorney. During sessions, both parties are given an opportunity to explain their positions in front of the arbitrator. Much like a regular court pro...
What is Mediation?This page gives a short overview of mediation and provides seven key qualities of the mediation process: that it is voluntary; collaborative; controlled; confidential; informed; impartial; neutral, balanced and safe; and self-responsible and satisfying.Melamed, James C...
mediation to see if there was any improvement in creativity afterwards. They found that people who practiced focused-attention meditation did not show any obvious signs ofimprovement in the creativity taskfollowing their meditation. For those who did open-monitoring meditation, however, they performed ...
The mediation process should be adaptable – but has it become adapted to something which is no longer mediation? This lecture will consider how mediation has evolved, particularly in the UK, and will propose that a recognised mediation profession should be the next stage ...