@Ana90Louis le da un libro a ese gitano: why use “le”? Can I just say: Louis da un ...
What does De nada meaning? :of nothing: you're welcome. Is Nos a vemos? why Nos vemos meanssee you later? What is adios amigo? Translation of «adiós amigo» in English language: «goodbye friend» Where can I use Vosotros?
that you is vous/usted. (French/Spanish respectively.) French: tu/vous singular informal and formal respectively. Vous plural formal. Spanish: tu/Ud. singular informal and formal respectively. Usted/Ustedes singular and plural formal forms of you. Vosotros/Ustedes plural informal forms of you. An...
Reed is investigating the matter and presumably will put a summary of what he learns online when he learns it; the phenomenon of voseo (use of the singular pronoun vos as a neutral form of address, avoiding the choice between tú and usted, used in Argentina and Uruguay and less widely e...