1 :a feeling of pique or resentment at some often fancied slight or insulttook umbrage at the speaker's remarks. 2 : shady branches : foliage. 3 : shade, shadow. How do you use the word umbrage? a feeling of anger caused by being offended. 1 I invited her because I was afraid ofg...
“What these rules require falls within the meaning of ‘gerrymander.’ They mandate the new commission draw district boundaries that give a political advantage to an identifiable group — Republicans in some districts and Democrats in others,” the opinion said. ...
"What these rules require falls within the meaning of 'gerrymander.' They mandate the new commission draw district boundaries that give a political advantage to an identifiable group — Republicans in some districts and Democrats in others," the opinion said. Citing ...
What is the meaning of commendatory? adjective.serving to commend; approving; praising. holding a benefice in commendam. What is Favourability? favourability (of something) (for something)the quality of being good for something and making it likely to be successful or have an advantage. ...
bring to the table low-hanging fruit the grass is always greener on the other side ignorance is bliss These are a few of the tried and true (there’s another one) clichés that wiggle into our work, but add nothing to our conversations. Time and again (cliché), we resort to a clich...
context, although the German „Scheide“ is equally neutral and more commonly used. I’m actually surprised that Abbi didn’t mention “Vulva”: personally, I find it such a beautiful word (although not bound to a sexual context), and it is much closer in meaning to “pussy” and “...
She also takes umbrage with the idea that simply having more effective antiobesity drugs around will actually make life easier for fat people. She says that treating fatness as a disease, even for the sake of arguing that people’s obesity is not their fault, is still harmful. “It doesn’...
The snakebite goes right into the vein, meaning there is nothing they can do for him. They end up making mundane small talk while he dies on the ground while the group is helpless. It is a pretty chilling scene. Lemon’s character is flummoxed over what seems to him the casual way tha...
The Trump campaign is going to plans B, C and D, you know. They’re dark and they’re dirty and they’re going to the types of things that Trump tweeted about: the threats, the retribution, the placement of allies on election boards, as they’ve done in the stat...
which comes to us from the Latin word obtusus, meaning "dull" or "blunt," can describe an angle that is not acute or a person who is mentally "dull" or slow of mind. The word has also developed a somewhat controversial sense of "hard to comprehend," probably as a result of confusion...