1 :an individual resulting from the interbreeding of diverse breeds(see breed entry 2 sense 1) or strains (see strain entry 1 sense 1) especially : one of unknown ancestry She owns several dogs, one of which is a mongrel. What is the meaning of Mangal in biodata? A person born under...
In Urdu (Pakistan/India) and Hindi (India), it is known as agar, which is originally Sanskrit aguru . In Bengali, agarwood is known as "agor/agoro gach (আগর গাছ)" and the agarwood oil as "agor/agoro attor (আগর আতর)". ...
In the nine years (!) that I've been working onOnionShare, a growing community of contributors have taken on more and more of the work, but I'm still the only one who has actually made any releases. I'm hoping to change that. Even though OnionShare is established open source software,...
such asgood, bad, happy, sad, anxious or stressed. (Check this for yourself: Set a timer for 2 minutes and see how many words you can come up with!) Other people can more easily identify — or differentiate — a wider range of emotions. Not surprisingly, this skill is characteristic...
Answer 1 of 28: Edited From http://www.penang-traveltips.com and other sources. 227 things to see and do on Penang Island 1. 120 Armenian Street : House where Dr Sun Yat Sen had his base in Penang. 120 Armenian Street is a shophouse built in the
The TC meaning is "Take Care". The TC abbreviation has 1639 different full form. TC Full Forms Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Share Take Care Texting, Chat, Email, Forum, Computing, Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Online, Im, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Business & Finance, Governmental & ...
The term "mahseer" may either be derived from the Hindi words maha and sir meaning "great head" or from the Persian words mahi and sher meaning "fish lion." Mahseer are strong, fighting fish that give sport fisherman a challenge. Fishing in a boat is best as the large fish like ...