Definition of Oxymorons with Example and their Usage An oxymoron is a figure of speech where two opposite or contradictory words are placed together to create a unique meaning. For example, phrases like "deafening silence" and "bittersweet" are oxymorons. These combinations can highlight contrasts...
Oxymoron vs. paradox Anoxymoronand aparadoxare similar in that they combine contradictory or opposing elements but differ in length. Anoxymoronconsists of two words that contradict themselves to reveal a deeper meaning (e.g.,open secret). This is an oxymoron because, in this context, “open”...
You can create an oxymoron by combining opposite words in the same phrase. This creates a fun, memorable figure of speech, such as “alone together.” The words alone and together are apparently contradictory terms, so they combine to create an interesting new meaning. Oxymorons are a useful...
Explore J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings plot, characters, and themes. Considered the first modern fantasy, learn what happens in The Lord of the Rings. Related to this Question What is the meaning behind The Lord of the Rings?
Often, at least one of the words in an oxymoron is not used literally or has multiple meanings, or there’s some shorthand being used, and the apparent self-contradiction arises from this. To understand more about what an oxymoron is, let’s look at some examples. Figurative meaning ...
(1) Allegory(寓言) In simple words, an allegory is a story or description in which the characters and events symbolize some deeper underlying meaning, and serve to spread moral teaching. An allegory has a double meaning. It has a primary meaning, or surface meaning, and a secondary meaning...
as if a belching volcano is about to explode . . . along the lines of exasperation displayed in the iconic scene from the 1976 movieNetwork— for although the sources of fear and anger that weigh heavy on our minds have changed in the past 38 years, the impact is the same . . . un...
What does 'lesser of two evils' mean? What is the meaning of 'double-edged sword'? What is a positive noun? What is a neutral connotation? What is a diamonte? What is an example of a positive connotation? What does 'on the flip side' mean?
Paradox‘s first known use was in 1530–40, and it originates from the Latin wordparadoxumvia Greekparádoxos (meaning “unbelievable, literally, beyond belief”).Synonyms forparadoxincludepuzzle,anomaly, andriddle. What is anoxymoron? Anoxymoronis also a noun that’s defined as “a figure of...
Synonyms are words that mean the same thing. The words ''big'' and ''large'' are synonyms because they more or less have the same meaning. A word can... Learn more about this topic: Synonyms & Antonyms | Differences, Types & Examples ...