大脑是最性感的器官 (dà nǎo shì zuì xìng gǎn de qì guān) Definition of 大脑是最性感的器官 大脑是最吸引人的器官。 性感:极具个性的气质,一股能够吸引别人的个人魅力和一份可以恰到好处地展现内在和自身优势的智慧。|只要你够聪明就会有很强的个人魅力,不会
每日即兴英文演讲what's the meaning of valentine's day? 03:00 每日即兴英文演讲would you rather live in perpetual winter in the city or in warm 03:17 每日即兴英文演讲what special qualities does a person need to have in order to be 03:21 每日即兴英文演讲who do you admire the most? why?
Explanation is not enough Written in a language I can't understand Answer is not related to the question Other reason Your feedback will not be shown to other users. Deleted user 8 Jul 2019 What do you look at this app? の訳が知りたいです。 What do you look at this app?
What is the meaning of 其 in 以色列军队称其“几乎完全瓦解”了真主党领导层? "Some" depicted Does rebuilding a clustered index offline require extra space for each non-clustered index? Is the Extensionality Axiom circular? Missing plot area in ContourPlot Why doesn't Spacex use a normal...
What is the bond of true friendship? Find out more about trust, loyalty, understanding, kindness, and support—characteristics of genuine companionship.
Bender and Koller argue that a model trained exclusively on text will only ever learn the form of a language, not its meaning. Meaning, they argue, consists of two parts: the words (which could be marks or sounds) plus the reason those words were uttered. People use language for many ...
6. What is the meaning of the underlined phrase in paragraph 4? A. Made out of their dreams. B. Met the required standard. C. Improved their performances. D. Promised to be good players. 7. What does the author advise us to do if we’ve failed many times? A. Make an effort to...
What is the difference between a friend and an acquaintance? An acquaintance is a person whom you may talk to on occasion and maybe see at a dinner party or other social event, but the bond of a friend or personal relationship is not there. An acquaintance might not be the person you ...
Word Reference also has extensive language forums providing even more help with comprehension and translation. Overall, Word Reference is my favorite way to learn the subtle shades of meaning surrounding a particular word. I stumbled acrossSpanishDictmore recently, but so far am extremely pleased with...