What is the Hindi word of numbers? /ˈnʌmbə ˈनम्बअ/ Word forms: numbers, numbering, numbered. countable noun. A number is a word such as 'two', 'nine', or 'twelve', or a symbol such as 1, 3, or 47, which is used in counting something.संख्...
It is said that the full moon in the lunar month of Ashwin (anywhere between late September to mid October) shines the brightest, so Valmiki’s birthday is celebrated on Sharad Poornima. This day marks the ending of the monsoon season and the arrival of autumn (Sharad). The atmosphere s...
such asgood, bad, happy, sad, anxious or stressed. (Check this for yourself: Set a timer for 2 minutes and see how many words you can come up with!) Other people can more easily identify — or differentiate — a wider range of emotions. Not surprisingly, this skill is characteristic...