It is of Persian origin, and the meaning of Sadira is "lotus tree". The lotus is of great significance in various Eastern religions. STARTS/ENDS WITH Sa-, -ra ASSOCIATED WITH tree, great VariationsCREATIVE FORMS(female) (male) MIDDLE NAME PAIRINGSSadira Zella (S.Z.), .. How ...
What Is The Meaning Of Human Resources? Business The human resources term is mostly used in businesses and corporations. The term is used for the individuals... What Are The Aims And Objectives Of Human Resource Management? Management Boss the main four objectives: 1. Staffing 2. Maintenance....
Prepositions of time are used to express relationships between two words or phrases in terms of time. Some of the most common prepositions of time include words like “for,”“before,”“after,” and “during.” For example, the preposition “for” in the sentence “I’m staying for the ...
The basic objective of the present research study is to elaborate the meaning of sustainability and sustainable development for laymen or beginners. In this research study, the topics of city sustainability, business sustainability, dimensions and pillars of sustainability are discussed in depth. ...