as a boys' name is pronounced ha-SAHN-ee. It is of Swahili and Arabic origin, and the meaning of Hasani is "good-looking, handsome". Variant of Hassan. STARTS
The meaning of this ‘neutralisation’ became horribly clear on May 29th 1979, only a few months after the revolution brought Ayatollah Khomeini to power, with the new clerical regime’s military, supported by affiliated voluntary extremist sectarian militias launching a murderous offensive on Ahwazi ...
Of course.From the Alawite point of view when they say “opposition” they do not mean the political meaning of the word, they cannot say “Sunni” in the street because that would be rude and sectarian, butby “opposition” they mean “the Sunnis”. And when they said “we want them...
However, once the deed has been done, we are forced to live with the consequences unless we right our wrongs. In the novel The Kite Runner, Amir, the main character realizes the past is something that cannot be changed. Redemption is the only saving grace, meaning honor and sacrifice are...
a son of a pious woman will work for your betterment and will testify and will toil hard and will explain everything for you just as I am testifying to his Prophethood; that I have brought some parables for you and that he (the one to come after me) will explain its meaning to you...
faith”, with the al being “of the”, Salah being “righteousness” and Din meaning faith or religion. Other examples are Abdulrahim (which could be transliterated as Abd Al Rahim), which means “servant of the Merciful” (with “the Merciful” being one of the names of God in Islam)...
Focus on word frequency, not meaning: These methods treated documents as collections of individual words, simply counting how often each word appeared. This ignored the semantic relationships between words and their context. For example, the sentence "The bank is on the river" and "I went bankru...
Meaning of FCA under Incoterms 2020EXW,Ex Works under Inco terms 2020Inco Terms, Different stage where risks and costs transfer from Seller to BuyerParties involved to use Incoterms directly and indirectlyIs it necessary to use trade mark of Incoterms under Sale contractMention year of Inco ...
Meaning of Ronnie - What does Ronnie mean? Read the name meaning, origin, pronunciation, and popularity of the baby name Ronnie for boys.
Oldest or eldest? Learn how to use these two easily confused words. Stop waiting, and click the play button to watch this vocabulary lesson now!