These days, however, the word JDM can mean anything or everything under the (Land of the Rising) Sun, so there’s a ton of wiggle room in how you can use the term. JDM Parts With the real JDM meaning in mind, you’re probably wondering: “If my set of 17×9Volk Rays TE37JDM ...
TOATALY UNEXEPTABLE , starters took 30 min to arrive then waited a further 35 mins for mains , HUNTERS CHICKEN WAS CREMATED asked for potatoes got what looked like oven chips , sent it back partner ate his meal on his own , my meal arrived...
患者,男性,49岁。冠心病史5年,以“胸闷、剧烈胸痛半小时,伴大汗”为主诉来诊,进入抢救室后,心电监护示波显示"QRS 波群消失,代之以大小不等、形态各异的颤动波,频率为300次1分"。此时应立即采取的最恰当的急救措施是()