What Does the Bible Say About Prophecy and the Millennium?Michael D. Morrison
What did the prophecy mean in Cloud Atlas? What is soma in Brave New World? What is the meaning of the book Utopia by Thomas More? What is the prophecy in The Chronicles of Narnia? What does mockingjay mean in the book Mockingjay?
But if there is a God, then there may be some higher purpose, some ultimate destiny, some true meaning for your life. Maybe your actions do matter. If there is a God, then perhaps God has left a record for us to understand what is expected. We in theContinuingChurch of GodBible: Su...
What does Lucy give Mr. Tumnus when she leaves in The Chronicles of Narnia? What is the lion's name in The Chronicles of Narnia? Which of The Chronicles of Narnia is the most allegorical? What is the meaning of ''The Chronicles of Narnia''?
What Is the Meaning of the Number 12 in the Bible? 1Facts Most of the meanings attributed to numbers in the Bible relate to prophecy, laws to be followed or punishments inflicted. The most common Biblical number is 7. According to Genesis, the Earth and everything in it was completed by...
In the Christian faith, apostles were those entrusted by Jesus to help organize the church and spread the message of His teachings. The word apostle comes from the Greek word apostelló in the Bible - meaning a messenger or one sent on a mission.
Definition, Origin and Meaning of the Word "Sin" Sin is any action, thought, or attitude that goes against God’s law and His standards described in Scripture. It can be an act of disobedience—choosing to do what is wrong—or a failure to do what is right. Sin is not just about ou...
Opinion Based on the BibleSearch Search Recent Posts How Does Someone Receive the Gift of Faith That Saves? What About the Phrase about Scripture, “Inspired in the Original Manuscripts”? Wes Huff on Joe Rogan: My Take Two Popular Doctrine of Salvation Ditches The Microcausation and Macro...
There is only one safe source for the definition of what it means "to believe", - THE BIBLE ITSELF. The truth may be found in this verse: "He that believeth on the Son hath eternal life; BUT HE THAT OBEYETH NOT* THE SON SHALL NOT SEE LIFE, but the wrath of God abideth on him...
Armor of God: Bible Passage “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, agains...