Brands can talk about recycled polyester and organic cotton all they like, but those changes are a drop in a literal ocean of overproduction.” Meaning the onus is on us, the consumers, to influence that brand change. Feeling a little overwhelmed? We’ve spoken to the experts and the ...
Atheism simply means no belief in the existence of God or gods. It comes from the Greek wordatheos,which is a compound word with “a” meaning without and “theos” meaning god or gods. It is the opposite of theism; it is non-theism. In ancient Greek, the adjectiveatheosmeant "godles...
Wondering what are Call Options? An option contract in which the buyer buys a specified quantity of the underlying stock without any obligation. Check this blog to learn more.
When it comes to choosing may or might to describe a hypothetical, the onus is on the speaker or writer to determine just how likely the hypothetical is to occur. For example, let’s say you applied to a highly selective graduate program. If you’re feeling confident about being accepted,...
Even if that is not 100% identical to what people have said, nor is it like what many people have found worrying ―meaning the existence [...] 縱使不是他們所 說的百分之一百,不是 好 像很多人 所擔 憂的事情 ⎯⎯ 即有另一支管治隊伍,跟特首的隊伍平起平坐,或是有...
Fisher, speaking collegially, aptly characterizes love as invoking an emotional reorganization of your personal life so that a love object “takes on special meaning.” She writes: “You focus your attention on them. You also have high energy when you’re in love: You can walk all night an...
In its broadest meaning, DevOps is a philosophy that promotes better communication and collaboration between these teams -- and others -- in an organization. In its most narrow interpretation, DevOps describes the adoption of iterative software development, automation and programmable infrastructure depl...
Personal health literacy is intertwined with organizational health literacy because one cannot exist without the other. Because the onus is not on the patient to achieve high personal health literacy, organizational health literacy is essential. Some data shows that nearlya third of a...
With the EIS being by far the largest teaching union in Scotland, if it decides to take industrial action there is sure to be a big impact on schools. Councils insist that they cannot provide any more money from their budgets, so the onus is on the Scottish government to find a way to...
That term has changed its color, its meaning, in the context of myelofibrosis over the past decade or two. In your mind, what's a realistic definition of "disease modifying," using the tools we have at hand, in the context of myelofibrosis? Gerds: It almost gets philosophical at some ...