Explain the term lattice type in detail. Define the terms germicide and bacteriostat. What are the two characteristic properties of matter? Briefly define polarizability. What is the meaning and purpose of ionization energy? Give an example to your explanation. ...
The scientific study of matter's characteristics and behaviour is known as chemistry. Chemistry vocabulary and Chemistry glossary are different from the normal vocabulary. It is a branch of natural science that examines the building blocks of matter, including the atoms, molecules, and ions that mak...
What is ductility in a solid?Physical Properties of Solids:When scientists are describing substances, they often identify their physical properties. These properties are often what make the substances useful and can help you identify them and distinguish among them. Some physical properties are color,...
Another form, amorphous silicon, is used to make the glass that covers solar panels, but it has also found its own use in thin-film solar cells. This type of silicon has an irregular or amorphous crystal structure, which means it doesn't really have any repeating or lattice-like ...
What is a Unit Cell? - The unit cell must construct the Bravais lattice by repeating itself in space. However, nothing is said about the number of points that must be contained within the unit cell. Lithium metal crystallizes in a body centered cubic cry
However, if you were to look at a grain of salt, made up purely of NaCl, you wouldn’t consider it a molecule, as it is in fact a huge lattice network of individual sodium chloride compound particles, without a clear number of atomic nuclei. The same thing is true if you look at ...
The physical meaning of entropy Entropy and "disorder" Entropy and probability Entropy, equilibrium, and time Absolute entropies Standard entropies of substances Entropy depends on concentration Summary of key concepts Concept map Entropy is one of the most fundamental concepts of physical science...
Chemistry is so deeply ingrained into so many areas of business, government, and environmental management that some background in the subject can be useful (and able to give you a career edge as a team member having special skills) in fields as varied as product development, marketing, managem...
Some materials are isotropic with respect to shear, meaning the deformation in response to a force is the same regardless of orientation. Other materials are anisotropic and respond differently to stress or strain depending on orientation. Anisotropic materials are much more susceptible to shear along...
In chemistry what is the meaning of the term pure substance? What is a cubic crystal? Give some examples. Is soda with ice a homogeneous mixture or a heterogeneous mixture? Explain. In what phase(s) are homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures?