The idea of ‘the given’ and its alleged problematic status as most famously articulated by Sellars (1956, 1981) continues to be at the center o
As one society exerts cultural influence over another, the latter society adopts its customs, philosophies, worldviews and general ways of life. Under the imposition of another culture, the “lesser” culture is thought to lose some of its own cultural identity in the process. Examples of ...
1.The awareness of human separation, without reunion by love—is the source of shame. It is at the same time the source of guilt and anxiety. The basis for our need to love lies in the experience of separateness and the resulting need to overcome the anxiety of separateness by the expe...
Question:Elisha’s request of Naaman to immerse himself seven times in the Jordan River in order to be healed[ii]and his “stretching himself” upon a child to raise him from the dead[iii]seem highly unusual. Was there any special meaning to Elisha’s actions?
Quality is a rather slippery concept, and its assessment in subtitling can be a challenging task, as its appreciation can easily vary depending on the diff
In the latter case, the friend is not an heir, because he would not be the recipient of property if left intestate, because he is not a child or direct relative of the decedent. However, that friend can accurately be called a beneficiary, as designated through the deceased person’s will...
The double-meaning is a common literary device employed by Shakespeare. The use of an oyster as a metaphor for life, also has a double-meaning: The world holds the possibility of making a fortune, but it depends upon how hard one looks for and works at getting. It m...
That may be a more tax-efficient move than having those assets transferred after death to fund college or other schooling when thebeneficiariesare of age. The latter may trigger multipletax eventsthat can limit the amount of funding available to grandchildren. ...
One example from the financial-services industry is stablecoins, a type of cryptocurrency pegged to real-world money designed to be fungible, or replicable. Another type of token is an NFT—a nonfungible token, meaning a token that is provably scarce and can’t be replicated—which is a ...
Latter The second word that we will go over in this lesson islatter, which is anadjective. There are two ways that you can uselatterin a sentence. The first meaning oflatteris something that is closer to the end of something than to the beginning of it. Let's go over some examples ...