To utilize is to make use of something or to find a practical purpose for something. An example of utilize iswhen your college degree helps you get a job. What is the meaning of utilize in a sentence? To utilize isto use what you have or what's available, and it's a three-syllable...
A sudden desire or change of mind, especially one that is unusual or unexplained The state of being, or an action considered, capricious or unpredictable A peculiar aspect of a person's character or behavior A phenomenon that becomes popular for a very short time ...
“The story, if it can be called that, opens in mystery and proceeds through ambiguity,equivocation, and vagueness.” Noun ▲ The use of expressions susceptible of a double signification “In this respect, the government's nuclear policy has been one of dissemblance andequivocation.” ...
Often I hear people use the term 'he has shot himself in the foot' to refer to someone who has unintentionally harmed his own interests whilst in the process of trying to damage someone else. What is the understood meaning of the metaphor 'to shoot oneself in the foot'? metaphors phra...
The meaning of life is pretty clear: Living things strive to pass their genes into the future. The claim that we would not have morals or ethics without religion is extraordinary. Animals in nature seem to behave in moral ways without organized religion. — Bill Nye 97 Violent, irrational,...
List of words starting with this letter. Find the English dictionary definition of. Define and spell. Find the meaning of most old English words as of 1913. What is the definitions. Define terms. Learn the meaning of
meaning First I bequeath Animam Deo Corpus Terrae [my soul to God my body to the earth] whensoever it shall please God to call me I give my Land in Higham which my good Father Ralphe Burton of Lindly in the County of Leicester Esquire gave me by Deed of Gift and that which I have...
“Here is such patchery, such juggling, and suchknavery! all the argument is a Cuckold and a Whore; agood quarrel to draw emulous factions and bleed to death upon. Now, the dry Serpigo on the Subject!and War and Lechery confound all!” Maybe the difference is the distance of the twe...