Because global thinking is based on a shaky and nearly inconceivable core of an accidental universe lacking meaning, many theories and ideas stemming from this false premise create chaos. A website article. Help unify the world, bring your friends to ea...
The idea of ‘the given’ and its alleged problematic status as most famously articulated by Sellars (1956, 1981) continues to be at the center o
Because global thinking is based on a shaky and nearly inconceivable core of an accidental universe lacking meaning, many theories and ideas stemming from this false premise create chaos. A website article. Help unify the world, bring your friends to earth-network...
The meaning of a word is to be defined by the words for its use, not by the feeling that attaches to the words.” For a formalist approach to mathematics see, e.g., Hilbert [11], p. 18 (translation in [6], p. 1122) “Because I take this standpoint, the objects [Gegenständ...
根据“So, there is no need to question your eyesight if you see the dress as white and gold, and those who see it as blue and black should not be overjoyed either. This is nothing more than an optical illusion (视错觉). And no one gets serious about those, do they?”可知,作者告诉...
15. to judge as to the truth, nature, or meaning of: What do you make of that remark? 16. to estimate; reckon: I make the value at $1000. 17. to put together; form: to make a matched set. 18. to amount to; total: Two plus two makes four. 19. to provide: That book makes...
What is the meaning of juxtaposition? What is the book Wishtree about? What are examples of foreshadowing in The Most Dangerous Game? What is Perelandra about? What is a metaphysical allegory? What is an extended analogy? What is the main purpose of suspense in a story?
meaning of life “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ―Oscar Wilde I’ve seen a lot of lost soul, people who repeat the same thing each day even though they dislike it. And I have seen a lot of dreamers, people who have great vision but...
To understand the meaning of non-duality a little more in-depth, let’s break down some of the basic facets of non-duality which are: Everything is One There is no separate self This is It! Everything is One The reality is that non-duality may appear totally strange, confusing, and ...
10 Types of Spiritual Bypassing What gives light must endure burning. –V. Frankl(Man’s Search For Meaning) The reality is that not everything in life is ‘love and light,’ as is the slogan for many spiritual seekers. Would you like to save this?