2.used pejoratively to describe those who believe only in “art for art’s sake,” to the exclusion of all other human activities. allegory an art form, as a story, painting, or sculpture, in which the components have a symbolic, figurative meaning. —allegorist, allegorizer,n. —allegori...
In his book Acts of Meaning, Jerome Bruner draws attention to the importance of narrative in this process of making sense of the world around us. 杰罗姆·布鲁纳在其《有意义的行为》一书中指出了在理解我们身处世界的过程中,叙事的重要性。 One of its crucial properties, he writes, is that "...
Consider the difference between these two examples: I swim every Tuesday. I can swim every Tuesday. The first example is a simple factual statement. The speaker participates in a swimming activity every week on Tuesdays. The second example uses the modal verb can. Notice how the meaning changes...
What is the meaning of The Things They Carried? What is the historical significance of The Things They Carried? What is the climax in The Things They Carried? How does The Things They Carried end? What is the setting of The Things They Carried? What is the main idea of The Thing...
At its core, a memoir is a factual story about your life. The term comes from the French word mémoire, which means ‘”memory.” Memoirs are unique because they talk about specific themes or periods of your life instead of your life as a whole. ...
Cloning may be another way to retain identicality, whilst still losing continuity of the self. Would not the ultimate consequence of our mastery of nature and technology mean that each individual would retire into an own virtual world – meaning that ‘Every Man is an island’?
The difference between the parties was whether the fact that it was a winding-up petition made the matters raised not susceptible to arbitration. Similar to Mozambique, the Board had to consider: (1) what was a matter, (2) the meaning of legal proceeding (whether this included a petition)...
The meaning and framework of pragmatic marketing. How to optimize it and a stepwise process to get started with the approach.
1937. Testability and Meaning—Continued. Philosophy of Science 4: 1–40. Article Google Scholar Carnap, Rudolph. 1967. The Logical Structure of the World (or. ed. 1928). Berkeley: University of California Press. Google Scholar Creel, R. 1995. The ‘Is-Ought’ Controversy. In David ...
Folks viewing the world through this lens tend to believe that there is no point in fact-checking anything because nothing is factual or real, and this may have multiple, serious real-world effects. Anyone can claim anything, such as a person “never said or did this,” and ...