Donovan believed in using whatever tools came to hand in the “great game” of espionage-spying as a “profession”. These days the Net, which has already remade pastimes as buying books and sending mail, is reshaping Donovan’s vocation as well. The last revolution isn’t simply a matter...
Also, only 46% knew that Memorial Day always falls on the last Monday in May, and 21% thought the holiday falls on the last Sunday in May. What is the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day? I'm not sure of the source but I heard it explained to me once this way:...
What is the meaning of de facto moratorium? What is a complaint in criminal law? What does litigation mean in a lawsuit? What is the mens rea for murder? What is the penalty for espionage? What is criminal law? What is ethics in business law? What are the procedures of bureaucracies th...
What is the harm principle? What is an inchoate offense? What is the penalty for arson? What does positive rights mean? What is a scapegoat? What is positive agency theory? What is impulsiveness? What is the meaning of de facto moratorium?
COMINT might refer to both wired and wireless communications intelligence. It is often collected covertly, meaning without the knowledge of the parties involved in the interaction. Here, intelligence refers toinformationthat enables an organization, government, or individual to make decisions that provide...
What is the meaning of freedom of the press? Freedom of the press is that a writer or publisher, even a controversial ''shock jock,'' can write and disseminate whatever they desire. This can be done without fear of censorship by the government under whose jurisdiction the writers operate. ...
A triple agent is a spy who pretends to spy on one agency for another one, but actually remains loyal to the first. To pull it off...
for promoting their product or service — of course, some products and services may be low quality or fraudulent. And while phishing attacks that cast a wide net are a type of spam, they usually have more nefarious goals — such as fraud,identity theft, and even corporate espionage. ...
Techopedia Explains the Cyber Espionage Meaning Cyber espionage definitions emphasize the technological aspect of obtaining secret or confidential information without permission. “Espionage” is a synonym for spying. The adjective “cyber” is derived from the termcybernetics, which in modern usage refers...
The significance and meaning of cybersecurity are magnified in today’s interconnected world, where threats are not only growing in sophistication but also in their capacity to inflict severe economic and reputational harm on both individuals and enterprises alike....