依次填入下列各句空白处的词语最恰当的一项是( )①这次出差来到成都, 事务繁杂,我还是抽出半天工夫去参观了李劼人先生的故居。②中国艺术善于运用舞蹈形式,这种结合着虚和实的独特的创造手法,也 在各种艺术里面。③王先生 于书香门第、中医世家,曾留学法国。回国后,担任过报纸主编,大学教授。
What are the benefits of environmental sustainability? Why is environmental pollution a problem? What are the environmental impacts of landfills? What does sustainability mean in environmental science? What is the meaning of the three R's of ecological waste management?
What is the meaning of a lotic ecosystem? What is an ecological deficit? What is an ecological assessment in biology? What does biodegradable mean? What is ecological design? What is environmental degradation? What is an ecological cycle? What is ecological restoration? What is the definition of...
ecosystemecoactivity eco ecology,ecological,ecologist ecotourism Whatisecotourism?ReadPara.2 Whatisthedefinitionofecotourism?traveltoplaceswheretheuniqueplants,animalsandculturalheritagearetheprimaryattractions.Whatareconcernedinecotourism?ecologyandcultureWhatdoesecotourisminvolve?theconservationandpreservationof...
friendsaid“Youcaninkitin”,meaningthatitwasa firmarrangementnotatentativeone! Manyofthesenewverbsarelinkedtonewtechnology.Anobviousexampleisthewordfax.Weallgot usedtosendingandreceivingfaxes,andthensoonstarted talkingaboutfaxingsomethingandpromisingwe?dfaxit immediately.Thenalongcameemail,andweweresoon allemai...
What is the meaning of 'potential' (Line 1, Para.3)? A. Ready. B. Wealthy. C. Possible. D. Ignorant.如何将EXCEL生成题库手机刷题 如何制作自己的在线小题库 > 手机使用 分享 反馈 收藏 举报 参考答案: C 复制 纠错举一反三 含碳量>4.3%的铁称为( ) A. 过共晶白口铸铁 B. 共晶白...
11. What position is the man interested in? A. Window cleaner. B. Shop assistant. C. Fitness coach. 12. What will be provided for the job? A. A company car. B. A smartphone. C. A video recorder. 13. What is needed to do the job?
Join us for a virtual tour of 1898: Imperial Vision and Revisions, which is the first major Smithsonian museum exhibition to examine the War of 1898 and the legacy (遗留) of this controversial chapter in history. This...
When the entire organization is contributing story ideas, there is a sense of ownership and pride that carries through. Employees can be hesitant to mix business and pleasure, meaning they don’t always want to promote their company’s marketing efforts with their social network. Whe...
What is ecological design? What is population ecology? What is density in ecology? What are the levels of organization in ecology? What is an ecological assessment in biology? What is the meaning of a lotic ecosystem? What is biodiversity conservation?