change from baseline at day 14. For mobility, the comparison was made on the absolute change 'from baseline at day 14, the parameters being treated as continuous, and on the evaluation in tenns of amelioration or aggravation (increase or 比较为最大的痛苦强度在动员在从基础线的绝对变动做了在...
succession of treatiesAnnex to the Convention Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land, 1907, Article 50;Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, 27 July 1929;Geneva Convention (I) for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the ...
Health is defined not by the doctor, but by the person, according to his or her functional needs. The role of the doctor is to help the individual adapt to their unique prevailing conditions. This should be the meaning of "personalised medicine". The beauty of Canguil hem's definition of...
Many studies on the cell biology of the dendrite take on different meaning if considered in this light. Also, an organizational principle of “robbing Peter to pay Paul” might engender marked strengthening of some synapses (rich getting richer) at the expense of others (poor getting poorer), ...
They say that the release of the three who are prisoners of war of the Government of the Philippines (GPH) will be a positive move for the peace talks between the GPH and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP).Hors de combat is a French term meaning “outside the fight...
Modernism promised rational, economic and ergonomic solutions transfigured by art, but tended to take more than it gave and so lost its moral command. People had to give up all that was most engrained; brave new forms cleansed of tradit...
What the HCZ does is first recognize that the amelioration (改善) of poverty does not begin and end with an excellent education, but also requires a full belly, parental education, safety, advocacy, and the expectation that every student will succeed. "We help parents and kids through the sy...
It is thus essential to promote the value of mental health and improve the coping strategies of individuals, rather than just trying to achieve an amelioration of symptoms and deficits (World Health Organization, 2002). In fact, good mental health and lack of mental disorder, although ...
Here is what I have done, and if by chance I have used some immaterial embellishment it has only been to fill a void due to defect of memory. I may have taken for fact what was no more than probability, but I have never put down as true what I knew to b