II.FunctionsofNonverbalCommunication非言语交际的功能 Repeating:nonverbalbehaviorscanbeusedinordertoemphasizeorclarifytheverbalmessage.Contradicting:nonverbalbehaviorscanconveycontradictorymeaningwhichisoppositetothatoftheverbalmessage.Substituting:nonverbalbehaviorcanreplaceverbalbehaviortoconvey...
Run a free check. Try for free Citing sources for your glossary Glossaries and definitions often fall into the category of common knowledge, meaning that they don’t necessarily have to be cited. However, it’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to citing your sources, ...
Studies alone can conduct us to that enjoyment which is best in quality and infinite in quantity.直译:学习本身可以给我们质量最好,数量无限的快乐。意译:学习本身能给我们无穷无尽的快乐。意译更好~Smashing a mirror is no way to make an ugly person beautiful, nor is it a way to ma...
The wordpoltergeistwas first recorded in the 1840s and comes from the Germanpoltergeist, a combination of the German verbpolter(n), meaning “to make noise,” andgeist, which means “spirit” or “ghost” and is related to the wordsghost,ghastly, andaghast. Many people are familiar with t...
Mourning doves as a symbol of peace Though this is most often assigned to the classic white dove, doves in general have long served as a symbol of peace. Traditionally, thewhite feather meaningties in most closely with peace, purity, and hope. However, doves of all kinds are used to repr...
While data dictionaries are useful to technical users, a business glossary is meantto bring meaning and context to data in all departments of the enterprise. A business glossary is therefore a place where business and/or data terms are defined. ...
meaning that the program starts from the first instruction and progresses sequentially. variables are used to store and manipulate data and control structures like loops and conditionals are employed to control the flow of execution. how is a procedural language different from other types of programmin...
We take them for granted. However, there would be a massive public outcry if they vanished. According to theFinancial Timesglossary of terms –ft.com/lexicon– public goods by definition are: “Goods that are available to all, all the time and in a constant amount, whether or not they ha...
The Global Positioning System is a navigation network of satellites, monitoring stations & receivers used to transmit global location data. Learn more here.
Back to GlossaryPasskey DefinitionThe term passkey is an amalgamation of the terms password and key, a simple but subtle way of highlighting its utility as an authentication mechanism as familiar and ubiquitous as the traditional password, but invoking the imagery of reliability associated with a ...