I've recovered an old laptop, which I would like to improve for a needy friend, its an HP G7091EA , To check functionality, I've installed Win10 64bit and its working. At present it has 2 x 1gb ram cards installed. Please what would be the max...
The latest versions of InDesign are 64-bit applications and as such, can use as much of the 64-bit address space as they need for the task at hand. Note that Windows 10 is a virtual memory operating system. The actual mapping between the 64-bit address space and the RAM you hav...
The CPU: in this case, according to Intel, the Core i9-14900hx have the maximum support of 192GB RAM, DDR5 or DDR4 (depending of the Chipset in the motherboard). The Operational System: if the system have the 32-bit architecture, it can only use 4GB RAM. In the 64-bit systems (...
Re:What is the maximum RAM frequency the motherboard LNVNB161216 can support? Welcome to the Community, guest13288! Glad to assist! It can support 2400MHz (PSREF) & 2666 MHz (perpcsupport.lenovo.com > Parts) Note: RAM speed is based onCPUandmainboardc...
UPDATE: I have tried 16GB (8GB under the keyboard + 8GB on the underside of the computer). Fedora boots all right (Windows still hangs). So the final answer to the maximum RAM can Lenovo T410 upgrade to is16GB! Here is the screenshot as a proof of my experiment....
RAM (random access memory) is a computer's short-term memory, where the data that the processor is currently using is stored. Your computer can access RAM memory much faster than data on a hard disk,SSD, or other long-term storage device, which is why RAM capacity is critical for system...
Intel’s 13th Gen Core processors represent a significant step forward in CPU technology. With their multiverse core architecture, these chips offer a compelling blend of performance, efficiency, and versatility, ensuring maximum performance for gamers and professionals alike. The architecture is optimized...
Here is my laptop detail What is the maximum ssd and ram in Predator Helios 16?Acer Predator Helios 16 Gaming Laptop 13th Gen Intel Core i9 (Windows 11 Home/16 GB RAM/1 TB SSD/NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 4070) PH16-71, WQXGA Display, Abyssal Black, 2.6 KG [Edited the thread to add...
Intel processores only have 46-bit physical addressing, so the most they could address is about 8796 GB of RAM. Note the word RAM, we are not talking about "virtual" memory. Reply of 1 What is the maximum memory limit in El Capitan?Welcome...
I'm a writer looking for a new laptop. I heard i5 processor is probably needed? But also not sure about what RAM should be good? What would work for large...