What is the average density of the full gas can, taking into account the volume occupied by steel as well as by gasoline? What is the density of fuel with relative density 0.72? A 3.00 kg steel gas can holds 20.0 ...
Molar Mass of a Gas: We are familiar with the pressure (P), volume (V), temperature (T), and number of moles (n) of gas in the Ideal Gas Law equation but the molar mass of the gas can also be calculated from the same equation. Like any other calculati...
State whether (p1 gt p2 or p2 gt p1) for given mass of a gas ? . 01:58 For a given mass of a gas what is the shape of (p) versus (1/V) graph ... 02:19 For a given mass of a gas, what is the shape of (pV) versus (T) graph ... 02:21Exams...
Mass refers to how heavy an object is or the amount of matter in an object. The mass of an object depends on the type of object. There are many measurements used for measuring the mass of an object. Some examples of such units are kilogram and gram....
For a given mass of a gas, what is the shape of (pV) versus (T) graph on isothermal process ? View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep,...
Properties of Sodium Phosphate:Sodium phosphate is an ionic compound that contains sodium and phosphate ions in the corresponding crystal structure. According to the electroneutrality principle, each formula unit of sodium phosphate contains three sodium and one phosphate ion. S...
What is a gas? A gas is a substance that is in a gaseous, or vaporous, state ofmatter. The termgasis also used in reference to the state itself when applied to matter that has the properties of a gaseous substance. Gas is one of four natural states of matter, along withliquid,solid...
Sun's mass and the solar system Of all the mass contained within the solar system,NASA saysthat 99.8% of it is locked up in the sun. Around 4.6 billion years ago a disk of gas and dust collapsed to birth our star and what material didn't go into the sun was leftover as a planeta...
what is that supposed what is the big deal what is the fare what is the insurance what is the maximum f what is the time fram what im getting at is what kind of a fool d what kind of farm doe what kind of fighter what kind of memories what make you so unha what makes you dep...
What is the mass of 4.9 mL of gasoline? Gasoline has a density of 0.70 g/cm3. Density:A matter's density shows how atoms or molecules of that matter are packed together, and it is measured using the below expression. ρ=(m)mass(V)volume ...