What is the magnetosphere?Question:What is the magnetosphere?Earth's Atmosphere:The planet Earth is surrounded by a cloud of gases called the atmosphere. Earth's atmosphere is mostly made of up nitrogen, which comprises about 78 percent of the atmosphere. Oxygen makes up 21 percent and several...
What is the magnetosphere made of?Magnetosphere:Our Earth regularly protects itself from the harmful radiations of the Sun and from the radiations from the outer space. This protection is because of the atmosphere of our Earth. Our atmosphere is a layer of air covering our planet and it is ...
At this distance, the magnetosphere is confined by a low-density, magnetized plasma called the solar wind that flows radially outward from the Sun at supersonic speeds. Qualitatively, a planetary magnetosphere is the volume of space from which the solar wind is excluded by a planet's magnetic ...
:the part of the earth's atmosphere in which ionization of atmospheric gases affects the propagation of radio waves, which extends from about 30 miles (50 kilometers) to the exosphere, and which is contiguous with the upper portion of the mesosphere and the thermosphere also : a comparable r...
Whistlers come from lightning-generated radio waves that leave earth's atmosphere and travel into earth's magnetosphere before bouncing back down. 它来自于闪电产生的无线电波。这些无线电离开地球的大气层并在反弹回来之前传播到地球的磁气圈。 Not all radio waves do this and the sound they make, well...
EXOSPHERE:The exosphere is the outermost layer of the thermosphere which extends from the exobase upwards. The exosphere varies in altitude from approximately 700 to 1000 km above the surface, where it interacts with the magnetosphere. EXOPAUSE:The exopause doesn’t exist because the exosphere grad...
Question: What is the temperature range on Mercury? Answer and Explanation:1 Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and the one closest to our Sun. Like its neighbor Venus, Mercury has no moons. Mercury orbits the... Learn more about this topic: ...
the magnetic poles.The interaction between the solar wind and the magnetosphere generates beams of electrons.These electrons collide with atoms and molecules within the ionosphere near Earth’s magnetic poles.The collisions rip apart molecules and excite atoms.Thus, oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the ...
Thevast,thinmaterialontopoftheballiscalledahalo, extendingmillionsofkilometersintospace,butitcanonly beobservedduringasolareclipse(left).Theinterior temperatureofthehaloisover1,000,000. Themagneticforceofthesunisverystrong(byearthstandard) andverycomplicated.Itsmagnetosphereisevenlargerthan ...
What is planetary habitability? Habitat: Habitat is the natural place where an organism lives and grows in the natural environment. The habitat of organisms supports the survival and reproduction of certain species. Answer and Explanation: Learn more about this topic: ...