What is an Enneagram test? The Enneagram is a personality theory that groups people into one of nine main categories. While the categories go by number, each number represents a different archetype. The history of the Enneagram test is a little murky, mainly because no one really knows where...
Here’s a description of what makes each Enneagram type sad and some coping strategies they can use: Type 1 – The Perfectionist: Perfectionists may feel sad when they see injustice or when their high standards are not met. They can cope by practicing self-compassion and focusing on progress...
Although the Enneagram structure may look a little bit difficult, it is way too simple. An Enneagram chart typically consists of a circle with nine points representing different personality types. Each point is assigned a number from 1 to 9, and these numbers correspond to specific personality tr...
The Enneagram test is one of the most popular personality assessments, as they helps recruiters gain deep insights into the core personalities of candidates.
Each Enneagram type has a unique set of strengths, which can be incredibly powerful when an individual is self-aware. But similarly, when life’s stressors get in the way, each type has pitfalls that can be unique to their Enneagram number, causing conflict on the homefront. Here's a ...
When you find a job that compliments your enneatype, you will actually look forward to going to work. You’ll be internally rewarded, and your motivation will go through the roof. It’s important to remember that no one is just a 2 or only a 4. We all move around the enneagram, wit...
Enneagram 将我们的个性特质划分了九种不同类型,透过对九种不同类型的性格特质的了解,及其基本的恐惧 (Basic Fear),基本欲望 (Basic Desire),“行为背后动机” (Intention) 等的发现,让我们发掘了 “真相” 后,能够作出自我检视,能够更全面地去明白自己性格的特质,让我们更轻松地生活!
The Enneagram personality test helps you think about your strengths and weaknesses. But experts caution that it can oversimplify your personality.
They may dress in a way that is practical or comfortable and may not pay much attention to trends or fashion. 6– The Loyalist: Sixes often consider the significance of appearance in terms of safety and security. They may pay attention to how they are perceived by others and seek to ...
The Achiever - “I must always be working toward success.” The Individualist - “I need to find my unique purpose.” The Investigator - “The world is an invasive place and I need to protect my energy.” The Loyalist - “I will be OK as long as I can find certainty.” ...