Mediation is not the only alternative to courtroom litigation. Arbitration is also available if both parties agree, and though costs can be lower, the process can take as long as a court action. The main advantage of arbitration is its privacy; the facts of both the process and the ...
2015. What is litigation in the World Trade Organization worth? Int. Organ. 69(2):375-403Bechtel, M. M. and T. Sattler (2014). What is litigation in the world trade organization worth? International Organization.BECHTEL, MICHAEL M., AND THOMAS SATTLER 2015. "What is Litigation in the ...
A litigation hold -- also known aslegal hold,preservation orderorhold order-- is an internal process that an organization undergoes to preserve all data that might relate to a legal action involving the organization. A litigation hold temporary suspends the normalretention policiesapplicable to data ...
Litigation support is the process of providing consultation and support services to attorneys about current and pending cases...
What's the Difference Between Arbitration and Litigation? Litigation is an ancient process that involves determining issues through a court with a judge or jury. Arbitration, on the other hand, involves two parties in a dispute who agree to work with a neutral third party in an attempt to...
Business litigation is a specialization of law involved in defending companies accused of some type of wrongdoing. Litigation is the claim of damages decided by legal proceedings. Alitigantis the accused, while the complainant is the accuser. In business litigation, the defenseattorneyrepresents a com...
The most common example of a claim that may end in litigation is a car accident. In most jurisdictions, drivers are required to carryliability insurancein the event they are found to be liable for a vehicular accident. If the occupants of the car that was involved in the collision are unwi...
Arbitration is often preferred over litigation for the additional reason that special construction arbitrators are more familiar with the technical aspects of the construction industry and are, thus, in a better position to understand the respective positions of the parties. MyLawQuestions is dedicated ...
Litigation risk is the risk an individual or company will face legal action. This legal action could be the result of the individual or company’s products, services, actions, or another event. Large companies are especially susceptible to legal action given the large potential reward for plaintif...
A legal hold is the process organizations use to inform relevant parties (custodians) that they must preserve their data for anticipated litigation.