The lid, on a piano, that covers the keyboard Fall (nautical) The chasing of a hunted whale. Fall (nautical) The cry given when a whale is sighted, or harpooned. Fall To Descend, either suddenly or gradually; particularly, to descend by the force of gravity; to drop; to sink; as, ...
What is another name for hat? Synonyms of hat cap, chapeau, headdress, headgear, headpiece, lid. [slang] What is long hat called? Big Brim / Floppy Hats Big brim and/or floppy hats are exactly what the name implies. They have become more popular and fashionable recently and are great ...
I was just having a little fun with you tre. No hard feelings. Bottom line is, not all pianos are pieces of art where the makers pour all their heart and soul and love into it. Some are just made for financial gain. From the way this piano was built it looks like it's one...
Go ahead and open up the lid of your own piano and take a peek inside to see how the damper mechanism works as you press and release the damper pedal.Want to learn piano? Hoffman Academy is the world’s best piano learning system! Sign up for a free account now. ...
So when we say “Transition”, there is a universe of tasks of which parents are advised.(See this link for more Transition info.)Also a podcast. One of these things to get done is theFSIQ (Full Scale Intelligence Quotient),done by a doctor, physician and/or the LIDDA. ...
So he composed a piece called 4 minutes 33 seconds, commonly known as the silent composition. And this composition was completely silent, literally. When it was performed the first time, a pianist sat on stage at the piano and the only thing he did was raise and lower the lid of the ke...
Instead his eyes wandered to the lid of the casket, its pale wood lent a hazy glow by the multitudes of candles spread about the room. Two small, bright eyes scrutinized the lid of the casket, finished finely, expertly, and inlaid with pieces of wood dyed differently to add grandeur to...
But I am reminded of a quote: "The Past is history. The Future is a Mystery. Today is a Gift - that's why it's called the Present." - various attributions Brian's Big Baffling Bolt - aka BBBB - an SD puzzle by Brian Young at Mr. Puzzle Australia Brian has announced that he...
[v] to move or be moved so that it is no longer closed: The door opened and Alan walked in. The doors of the bus open automatically.closeCONTAINER / PACKAGE3 [vn] to remove the lid, undo the fastening, etc.of a container, order to see or get what is inside: Shall I ...
Indicating the device or point of attachment. The picture is hanging on the wall. 1 In Expressing a situation of something contained or enclosed. The milk is in the fridge. 1 On Used to indicate position above and supported by or in contact with The vase is on the table. We rested on...