Joshua Bechtold, 14, and the other students at the Riverside School in Lyndonville, Vermont, worked many months to get Helios ready for the 1999 American Tour de Sol (“Sol" is the Latin word for "sim”). They named their car after Helios, the sun god in Greek mythology©申话)....
"Muscle" originates from the Latin word for "little mouse," because physicians thought that muscles looked like little mice running under the skin. Did You Know? "Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. ...
The word galaxy comes from the French word Galaxie, which additionally comes from the Latin galaxias meaning "Milky Way". In ancient times, there was only thought to be one Galaxy, which, as we know, is incorrect. Our star, 'The Sun' is one of many billions of other stars that mak...
The word solstice literally means "sun standing still." It is derived from combining the Latin words sol for "sun" and sistere for “To Stand Still”. For the previous six months, the sun has appeared to migrate on a northerly course in the sky. At the moment of the solstice, that...
When the sun cross your meridian (子午线), it is noon for you. When the sun still【27】of this line, or the meridian, it is morning. After the sun has crossed this line, it is【28】. The Latin word for "midday" is "deridian",【29】which comes our word meridian. So AM is an...
The time it takes the Moon to complete one orbit around Earth is called a sidereal month. Sidereal refers to the Latin word for stars, and sidereal month means that the Moon returns to the same point under the stars. This takes around 27.3 days. If Earth stood still, the synodic (lunar...
i see starsbrilliant i see the lights are i see the post of my i see the sky i see the sun is high i see you in magazine i see your face its h i see your facereplic i see your point but i see i seek eternity i seldom got ill i serve for life i shall be closely wa i ...
Sun at solar noon. © The moments when 99% of people see sunlight What Is Noon? The English language is a little imprecise when it comes to the word “noon”. It can mean 2 different things: In terms ofcivil time, noon is simply another word for 12 ...
The winter solstice marks the exact moment when half of Earth is tilted the farthest away from the sun. It usually happens on December 21 or 22, at the exact same second around the world.
The Latin word for new is nova and the Latin word for fresh is recentibus. Ver means Spring in Latin. According to the Oxford dictionary it evolved over time from Ver (Spring) to Vernus (of the Spring) to Vernalis to Vernal (around the 16th century). 0 Reply Priscilla Reply to ...