如图所示,为甲、乙两物体相对于同一坐标的x-t图象,则下列说法正确的是( )①甲、乙均做匀变速直线运动 ②甲比乙早出发时间t0③甲、乙运动的出发点相距s0④甲的速率大于乙的速率.
The plasma membrane (also referred to as the cell membrane) is a membrane that is found on all cells as a mode to shield the interior of the cell from the external environment. It serves several functions.Answer and Explanation: The plasma membrane consists of a complex of lipids and ...
When I took biology I was totally fascinated by the plasma membrane. It really is integral to the cells functioning because of the way it allows some things, but not others, to pass through the membrane. There are also membranes inside the cell. In fact, the compartmentalization inside the ...
The membrane part is an extension of the outer covering of the plant cell, the plasma membrane or the cell membrane. The membrane spaces are formed by the endoplasmic reticulum (a cell component), which runs between both cells, termed desmotubules. The space between the membrane and the desmo...
Plasma membrane (PM) biogenesis in polarized epithelial cells involves the generation of specialized PM domains, each facing a different environment and containing a distinct set of proteins. Many domain specific integral membrane proteins have complex type glycosylation and are cotranslationally inserted ...
Integral membrane proteins are are embedded within the cell membrane and project into the cell or the external environment. An integral membrane protein that spans the entire cell membrane, from the outer surface of the cell to the inner surface of the cell, is called a transmembrane protein. ...
Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle are only two of the three types of muscles found in the human body. The final muscle type in the body is skeletal muscle.Answer and Explanation: Become a Study.com member to unlock this answer! Create your account View this answer ...
The plant plasma membrane H+-ATPase is kept at a low activity level by its C-terminal domain, the inhibitory function of which is thought to be mediated by two regions (region I and II) interacting with cytoplasmic domains essential for the catalytic cycle. The activity of the enzyme is we...
All animal cells have a plasma membrane. This is a barrier that surrounds the cell and holds it together. It controls what goes in and out of the cell. The cell membrane is made of proteins and lipids (fatty substances). It is ‘semipermeable’, which means that some chemicals can get ...
The fluid mosaic model describes the structure of the plasma membrane and the properties that allow fluidity to the membrane. The plasma membrane is made primarily of lipids and proteins. The lipid bilayer is made up of phospholipids, glycolipids, and cholesterol. About half the mass of the...