What is the importance of the Jewish religion.(Ask The Rebbetzin)(Brief article)Korff, Rebbetzin
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year on the Hebrew calendar. It celebrates the creation of the world, but is also considered a day of judgment when God judges the actions of each individual. It is believed that on this day he decides who lives or dies, as well as what the coming year...
It is clear that PLATO and many Greek philosophers taught the soul was indestructible: "The belief in the immortality of the soul came to the Jews from contact with Greek thought and chiefly through the philosophy of Plato, its principal exponet."The Jewish Encyclopedia (www.jewishencyclopedia....
What religion celebrates Passover? What is the history of Hanukkah? How many feasts of Israel are on the Jewish calendar? What is a Seder? What is the seventh month of the Jewish calendar? What is in a Jewish synagogue? Where is Hanukkah celebrated?
What is the difference between a Hebrew and Israelite? What is the difference between a Hebrew and Jew? What is used to read the Torah? How old is the Jewish religion? What is the mezuzah important to Jews? What is the holy place of Hellenism?
The seekers of truth often reach a point of confusion upon realizing that each and every religion, sect, ideology and philosophy claims to be the one and only correct way for man.
Race is shown to be irrelevant; the Lord makes a way for slaves of Pharaoh from many nations to call him “Father” through faith and obedience. Ruth was a Moabite woman who married into a Jewish family from Bethlehem. Jon Bloom at Desiring God writes that God “loves to ...
Rumors abound that Perry is part Jewish.[1]But that may not be the case as his parents were married in a Catholic ceremony.[2] Perry does not come off as religious. The closest he's come to religion seems to have been during his struggles with addiction. At some point, while shooting...
and most definitely NOT a lost Jewish tribe of cursed monkey-fishermen.I guess there is no point in trying to define specifically what atheism is. I know what I am, you know what you are. The Google-definition is disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods – and if...
Jewish Reform What is the Jewish Question? For thousands of years society has debated the status of Jews and to this day, there is no single answer. Starting as a nation, the Jews were a people who lived in Canaan and practiced the same religion: Judaism. As they grew as a nation, th...