First, the idea of a Divine Personality, and of the union of the two Natures in the Messiah, seems to have been foreign to the Jewish auditory of Jesus of Nazareth, and even at first to His disciples. Secondly, they appear to have regarded the Messiah as far above the ordinary human,...
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year on the Hebrew calendar. It celebrates the creation of the world, but is also considered a day of judgment when God judges the actions of each individual. It is believed that on this day he decides who lives or dies, as well as what the coming year...
Jewish belief is based on a mesora, on tradition handed down from father to son, teacher to pupil, from Mount Sinai until today. But a mesora is based on trust, on the honesty and credibility of the fathers and teachers who pass it down. The lies of the kiruv movement and the lies ...
Saying the Christian God is a different God from the Jewish or Muslim God makes no sense to me. Actually, if we are all God’s children, which I believe if there is a God we are all His children, then He is God of all, not a particular religion. Saying Jesus is synonymous with ...
Jesus Christ is often called the “savior of mankind” by Christians, and his most defining act is “dying for our sins” and then “rising from the dead” to eventually be seated at the right hand of God. That Jewish carpenter has also become one of the most important and recognized fi...
Years ago, I did the same with the Scriptures that pointed to Jesus (Yeshua). After much study, I was convinced that the Jewish Bible and the New Testament were correct and that Jewish tradition was wrong. Jesus (Yeshua) was/is the Messiah and is Deity and is fully God incarnate....
While teaching, he used a phrase to describe scripture, “inspired in the original manuscripts.” That phrase does not sit well with me. For one, it is not itself scripture, and, two, it is not the historic belief of the church. What do people say about half truths? It is, however,...
3. Repentance is required for salvation Noting that John the Baptist often called Jewish people to repent and be baptized for the remission of sins, some evangelists today also call people to repent of their sins, believe in Jesus and be baptized in order to receive eternal life. Some go ...
Light is also a common description of the Messiah in prophecy: “I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles.” (Isaiah 42:6) “He says: ‘It ...
Belief :Christians believe that Jesus, as the messiah, was chosen by God as the saviour of humanity. Sub-Categories :There are mainly two categories in which Christians are divided known as: Catholics and Protestants Islam Fact :Islam is the second largest religion of the world. ...