Ron DeSantis with Stephanie Murray, political reporter at The Messenger. LOS ANGELES - Iowa's caucuses are upon us, which means millions of Americans are going to be talking about it and millions are going to be googling "What is the Iowa caucus?" The caucuses take place on Jan. ...
Ron DeSantis with Stephanie Murray, political reporter at The Messenger. LOS ANGELES - Iowa's caucuses are upon us, which means millions of Americans are going to be talking about it and millions are going to be googling "What is the Iowa caucus?" The caucuses take place on Jan. ...
Despite all the time and attention paid to theIowa caucusesbecause it's the first contest,there were only 40 delegates at stake. Iowa's delegates to the Republican National Convention will be bound on the first ballot proportionally to the results of the caucuses. Of the 40 delegates up for...
AEI's Danielle Pletka and Marc Thiessen address the foreign policy questions we're all asking in their podcast, What the Hell Is Going On?
I wrote this in August of 2019, six months before the Iowa caucuses. Nope, I didn’t get it all right. I missed Mike Bloomberg and the Black Lives Matter movement and thought Biden would pick Elizabeth Warren as his VP. And Covid 19, tho by that time the race was over. But I ...
Caucus is making its quadrennial appearance at the top of the lookups, as voters in Iowa cast the first ballots in the U.S. presidential election. The caucus is an important part of every U.S. presidential campaign, but the word can also refer to any group of people, usually politicians...
Even with Trump's dominance in theIowa caucuses, Haley has insisted that the contest isn't over after the two early states. "This is not a coronation. This is an election," Haley told CBS News. "You have Iowa, you have New Hampshire, you have South Carolina, you have Su...
Here's a strange but true fact: One year ago today, the attention of the political world was focused on which Republican presidential candidate would win the Iowa caucuses. A lot happened in 2024 — which, for political pundits, meant there were alotof chances to get things wrong. ...
A caucus is a very different process. Organized by the political parties themselves, caucuses are a “meeting of neighbors”. Groups of citizens come together in local assemblies to discuss who they think will be the party’s best candidate. At the caucus, participants are free to debate the...