Non-point source pollution is a serious environmental issue and has attracted a lot of scientific attention. Currently, the influences of grazing on the water and nutrient cycles in alpine meadows, as well as corresponding underlying mechanisms, still remain unclear. The quantitative contributions of ...
TThhee eennttiirree bbaassaall lloooopp (containing RS and LS) is also shown. Bottom layer—HMVB unraveled to display its rope-like model appearance. Longitudinal fibers only exist within the two papillary muscles; (b) unfolding of HVMB model. Upper left—intact heart. Upper right—...
Despite the considerable interest on the issue of regional disparities, the subnational level has attracted less attention as most of the empirical studies focus on the convergence issue in the EU at the NUTS 2 level. This phenomenon at the NUTS 3 level is mainly researched in southern and ...
1 June 2018 Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to take advantage of recent work on the study of resonantly forced baroclinic waves in the tropical Pacific to significantly reduce systematic and random forecasting errors resulting from the current statistical models intended to predict El Niño....
SA is also a critical signaling molecule for activating defense responses against pathogen infection. The first indication of the involvement of SA in pathogen responses was provided by White et al. [14]. They showed that the injection of SA into tobacco leaves led to pathogenesis-related (PR)...
Entamoeba histolytica is an anaerobic parasite that is primarily found in the colon; however, for unknown reasons, it can become invasive, breaching the gut barrier and migrating toward the liver causing amoebic liver abscesses. During the invasive process, it must maintain intracellular hypoxia ...
Mechanization is required not only for crop production, but also for processing and along the entire value chain. Mechanization inputs are usually expensive and so specialist service provision will be the indicated way forward. This will need collaboration from both the private and public sectors ...
Ca2+ ions are bound within the turns between two strands by a repeated GGXGXD sequence motif (where X is any amino acid), meaning that each nonapeptide motif forms two half-sites for calcium ion binding between two turns. (B) 3D view looking down the axis of the β-roll including the...
Journal of Developmental Biology Review Differential Cellular Responses to Hedgehog Signalling in Vertebrates—What is the Role of Competence? Clemens Kiecker 1,*, Anthony Graham 1 and Malcolm Logan 2 1 Department of Developmental Neurobiology, King's College London, Hodgkin Building, Guy's Hospital ...