Hindi(印地语)and the other languages of the Indian subcontinent(印度次大陆)provided many words, such as“pundit”(专家),“shampoo”,“pajamas”and“juggernaut”(不可抗拒的强大力量) Virtually every language on Earth has made a contribution to the development of English, whether slight, as in the...
Qatar's Hamad International Airport is a spectacular airport, providing some of the best features of any airport in the world. The downside is Doha's relative location to the United States. Qatar is only a logical connecting point for certain routes to the Indian subcontinent and parts of Afri...
Vector control by insecticide-treated nets in the fight against visceral leishmaniasis in the Indian subcontinent, what is the evidence? Tropical Medicine and International Health 13 (8), 1073-1085.Ostyn B, Vanlerberghe V, Picado A, Dinesh DS, Sundar S, Chappuis F, Rijal S, Dujardin JC, ...
But it is a good idea when travelling (particularly in areas with traditionally fremented drinks, such as south-east Asia, the Indian subcontinent and parts of Africa) to always be careful. The Australian government’s Smartraveller website advises that to avoid methanol poisoning you should be...
The term punch refers to a wide assortment of drinks, both non-alcoholic and alcoholic, generally containing fruits or fruit juice. The drink was introduced from the Indian subcontinent to England by employees of the East India Company in the late 17th century. ...
And in the middle of the ellipse is a brass plate that has been silvered, with two movable “hands” that are used to mark the numerical readings on the plate. What is it? A hint: it was meant to fit in your hand. In fact, this instrument was one of the earliest to be used in...
WHAT IS NEEM OIL AND WHERE DOES IT COME FROM? Neem oil is extracted from the seeds of the neem tree. Native to the Indian subcontinent, the botanical name for the neem tree isAzadirachta indica. Neem has been used for thousands of years in ancient Indian medicine and agriculture for its ...
This is the rejuvenated version of the old topic: What Indian Pens are you using today. The last posts in the old topic can be found here: https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/218343-what-indian-pens-are-you-using-today/page-61?do=findComment&comm...
In terms of worship and iconography, Shiva is extensively revered across the Indian subcontinent and has many temples dedicated to various aspects of his persona, such as the benevolent benefactor and the fearsome destroyer. Rudra, while still recognized as an aspect of Shiva, does not have a si...
(IRNSS),popularly known as NavIc, is an independent regional navigation satellite system developed by India. It is designed mainly for Indian users and provides them with accurate information services about position. It also serves those within a 1500km radius of the Indian Subcontinent. The system...