Hindi(印地语)and the other languages of the Indian subcontinent(印度次大陆)provided many words, such as“pundit”(专家),“shampoo”,“pajamas”and“juggernaut”(不可抗拒的强大力量) Virtually every language on Earth has made a contribution to the development of English, whether slight, as in the...
The Indian subcontinent is home to many official languages and minority languages. Native Urdu speakers are mainly in Pakistan as the literary language and some in India as a second language. Hindi and Urdu languages are closely related with the same etymological roots. Both countries have the Urd...
Vector control by insecticide-treated nets in the fight against visceral leishmaniasis in the Indian subcontinent, what is the evidence? Trop Med Int Health 13 : 1073-1085.↵ Ostyn B, Vanlerberghe V, Picado A, Dinesh DS, Sundar S, Chappuis F, et al. Vector control by insecticide-...
What is the 3rd gender in India? Hijrasare officially recognized as third gender in the Indian subcontinent, being considered neither completely male nor female. Hijras have a recorded history in the Indian subcontinent since antiquity, as suggested by the Kama Sutra. Many live in well-defined ...
Catla fish is an important part of the culture and cuisine in many parts of the Indian subcontinent. The fish is often used in traditional dishes and is considered a delicacy in many regions. Some popular recipes or dishes are: Catla macher muṛighaṇṭa: Prepared with the head of ...
Tigers (Panthera tigris) aremammals of the Felidae familyand one of four "big cats" in the panthera genus. They are predatory carnivores and the largest and most powerful of all living cat species. The Indian subcontinent is home to more than 80% of the wild tigers in the world. ...
What is a subcontinent? Which Indian city is known as "Queen of Arabian Sea"? How did the Arabian Sea get its name? What is the poorest country on the Arabian Peninsula? Are Kurds Persian? What is Oman? What country is just south of the Caspian Sea?
Chutney chicken’s popularity extends far beyond the Indian subcontinent. Many cooks in Europe and North America have adapted Indian recipes like chutney chicken to make them more approachable to cooks more familiar with the Western style of cooking. These chicken recipes usually call for boneless, ...
In the last five years we've added 70 million tons of CO2 every 24 hours -- 25 million tons every day to the oceans. Look carefully at the area of the eastern Pacific, from the Americas, extending westward, and on either side of the Indian subcontinent, where there is a ra...
it's too small to be called a single continent, but still a large landmass. It could be called a subcontinent if it's separated from a continent because of a physical barrier like a mountain range. Or even political, social, religious differences from rest of the continent could be a ...