Another way of looking at this issue is by examining how epilepsy and bipolar are expressed. Both diseases have a feature calledkindling, whereby a higher number of episodes at earlier onset tends to predict how severe the disease will be throughout the lifetime. Also, both illnesses tend to ...
What is the impact of a novel DEPDC5 variant on an infant with focal epilepsy: a case reportDEPDC5Focal epilepsyWhole exome sequencingFFEVFCase reportVariants in the DEPDC5 have been proved to be main cause of not only various dominant familial focal epilepsies, but also sporadic focal ...
Impact of epilepsy surgery on Quality of life: How one asks, determines what one findsS., WiebeA., SeiamH., Dhaliwal
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immediately understand the impact of outbound messaging: What happens to it, what's the reaction to it, and how is it used [...] 现在,社交媒体所导致的传播的急剧变化迫使人们必须立即理解发出的信息的影响:它发生 了 什么 ,对 它的反应 是 什么, 如 何利 用它评估未来的...
immediately understand the impact of outbound messaging:What happenstoit, what's the reaction to it, and how is it used [...] 现在,社交媒体所导致的传播的急剧变化迫使人们必须立即理解发出的信息的影响:它发生了什么,对它的反应是什么,如何利用它评估未来的消息并...
While studying the effects of epilepsy, Sperry discovered that cutting the corpus collosum (the structure that connects the two hemispheres of the brain) could reduce or eliminate seizures. However, these patients also experienced other symptoms after the communication pathway between the two sides of...
Finding and keeping a job is important for everyone, but much more difficult for people with epilepsy. Did you know that unemployment rates of people who have uncontrolled seizures has been estimated at 5 times the national average and in some studies, u
How the ‘War for Talent’ Is Driving a Change in Identifying Leaders Whitepapers & Guides The Best Academy Training for Better Outcomes State Government - Fire Departments Featured Resources for State Government - Fire Departments Webinars Reducing the Impact of Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease in... 認識 該團體的行政管理系統和問責體制﹐於是你會知道應該聯絡誰人﹐以及與該名聯絡人的交流不能產 生你希望得到的結果時﹐接下來應該採取的合理措施是什麼。 If water is diverted for irrigation,what will betheeffect on ...