Amitav BanerjeeMedknowMedical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil UniversityBanerjee A. What is the impact factor of your journal?. Medical Journal of Dr. DY Patil University. 2015;8(1):1. DOI: 10.5530/jppcm.2017.3.xx Email:
The impact factor for limnology and oceanography is 4.745. An impact factor above 3 is considered to be good. An impact factor of 4.4745 means the... Learn more about this topic: Peer Reviewed Scholarly Journal: Definition & Examples
位于日本东京的Nippon Dental University学会是一家专注于牙科研究的学术机构。该学会的出版工作由国际知名出版社Springer-Verlag Tokyo负责,其出版频率为每年一到两次,确保了研究人员及时获取最新的研究成果。其主要以英语为工作语言,这使得其研究成果具有广泛的国际影响力。根据2011年的数据,Nippon Dental U...
What is the impact of inflammation on the critical interplay between mechanical signaling and biochemical changes in tendon matrix? Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)Kjaer M, Bayer ML, Eliasson P, et al. What is the impact of inflammation on the critical ... Michael,Kjaer,...
1 In the past 35 years this score has become the single most important "score" associated with scientific journals. In this essay we will look at the world of scientific, technical and medical journals, describe the impact factor and how it is calculated, and consider some alternative methods...
Influence is the capacity to affect character, development, or behavior of someone or something. Impact is the strong effect on someone or something.
An impact factor measures the average number of a journal's citations, in a two-year period. Ultimately, this measure calculates the rank of the journal in question. 🍈 How is a journal impact factor calculated? The number of citations of a journal is divided by the number of citable ...
Granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) is a glycoprotein secreted by endothelial cells, macrophages and other immune cells that functions as a growth factor and cytokine. The functional sites of G-CSF are widespread in the human body; some studies have reported [5,6,7] that the receptor...
Discuss the effects of structure, pressure, and temperature on solubility. The amount of heat released or absorbed in the dissolution process is important in determining whether the dissolution process is spontaneous, meaning, whether it can occur. What is the oth...
1. What is research impact? You will find several definitions of impact from funders and universities, for example: US National Institutes of Health: The likelihood for the project to exert a sustained, powerful influence on the research field(s) involved. ...