Now, learn to singDip the Apples, another fun holiday song! Dip the Apple Song A great Rosh Hashanah song for kids is “Dip the Apple in the Honey” – it’s easy to learn and really fun for children to sing while they celebrate the sweet Jewish New Year by dunking apples in honey...
Purim, a Jewish holiday, will be celebrated this weekend. Here is a guide to the holiday, including various ways to celebrate in New York City. What is Purim? Purim is considered one of the most fun, happy and joyous holidays on the Jewish calendar. It is a festival that commemorates th...
A harvest festival is a celebration of the fall months and the harvest that typically accompanies them. During a harvest festival...
What Is Yule? Today, “Yule” and “Yuletide” are largely synonymous with “Christmas” and “Christmastide,” but the meaning behind them is quite different from that of the Christian holiday. “Yule” comes from Old Englishgeol, which shares a history with the equivalent word from Old Nor...
The term Gentile is not inherently derogatory but is a neutral term used to differentiate between Jewish and non-Jewish people. 9 Why is the distinction between Jews and Gentiles important? The distinction has religious, cultural, and historical significance, affecting social identities, practices, an...
My two cents: this can be a stressful time of the year financially and emotionally for many people. Wishing someone a “Happy Holiday” usually sparks a smile of relief and if that person corrects you with the holiday he or she celebrates, it is okay. Wishing someone a “Happy” something...
Often thought of as the eighth day of Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret is considered a time for Jewish people to renew their connection with divinity.
that stands for the three components of the intellect —chochmah(wisdom),binah(understanding) andda’at(knowledge). (These are also the three highestsefirot, or divine emanations, in the kabbalistic tree of life.) While Hasidism emerged in reaction to what was seen as an overly scholarly, ye...
The Lone Soldier Center strives to provide both warm meals and a real community for lone soldiers to eat, celebrate, and integrate into Israel with. We work to assure that no lone soldier is lonely or hungry on weekends off! The Center offers Shabbat & Holiday meals for 100-300 lone ...
King’s Day 2025–Koningsdag 2025is the Dutch national holiday to be held onSaturday 26 April 2025. Following the abdication of Queen Beatrix in 2013 and the inauguration of King Willem-Alexander, the former Queen’s Day celebration has become King’s Day. ...