Hair lossHow is a connective tissue disorder diagnosed?You may have symptoms of several types of connective tissue disorders. This can make diagnosis difficult. Over time, you may develop one type of connective tissue disorder.Blood tests may be used to measure the amount of inflammation in your...
What is physical abuse of an elderly person?Physical abuse occurs when a carer harms you or places you in danger. A carer may be a family member or someone who is responsible for taking caring for you. The carer may hit, slap, kick, push, pull your hair, burn, or force feed you. ...
Pica:This disorder involves the persistent eating of non-food substances, such as dirt, chalk, hair, or paper, for at least one month. This disorder is more common in children, pregnant women, and individuals with developmental disabilities. Pica can lead to serious health complications, includin...
Trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) Excoriation (skin-picking disorder) Hoarding disorder OCD and related disorders induced by a substance/medication or due to another medical condition, e.g. Tourrette’s syndrome Someone with obsessive personality traits might casually describe themselves as OCD,...
Trichotillomania/Hair pulling disorder: Trichotillomania is a mental health disorder in which a person has repeated, uncontrolled urges to pull out their hair for reasons unrelated to a general medical condition. The disorder and the resulting bald patches can cause significant distress and affect ...
Self-harm.Some stims are harmful. Head banging, hair pulling, and biting nails may have health consequences. If you have a stim that may cause you harm, talk to your doctor about finding new ways to cope. Pay attention to what is going on around you when you engage in self-harming beh...
Feeling sexually rejected can feed someone’s “inner critic.” This is the little voice in your head that tells you when you do something wrong or calls you stupid. Sexual rejection can leave him wondering“Is it because I’m too fat? It’s probably because my hair’s receding. I’m ...
Besides the emotional toll that habits and tics leave on individuals, they can also change someone’s appearance. For example, hair pulling can lead to hair thinning and even baldness, while skin picking can lead to scabs and scars.
To ensure the high standards of facilities we need to build new wards, laboratories and consulting rooms. In short, we need your help now. Complete the coupon today and rest assured that your donation is going to the best possible cause. ...
How is the female athlete triad treated?A dietitian can help you with a meal plan and proper nutrition. He or she can discuss healthy eating habits and how to help you balance food and your sport. You may need to take extra vitamins or minerals. Medicines may be needed to make your ...