So we see that as of December 8, 2002 when we copied the above quotation from the Mormon (LDS) church's official web site that it clearly and unambiguously states that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. The next logical step is to confirm that. But first, let's double-check an...
“What happens when you relinquish any understanding of objective moral goods and evils…how can we come to agreement on how we should run society? And so what is left but the will to power?” says Noelle Mering, a Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center where she co-directs EPPC...
Let’s look at the text of the Book of Jonah. Here is Jonah’s prayer to the Lord, his cry for help:[1] I called out of my distress to the Lord, And He answered me. I cried for helpfrom the depth of Sheol; You heard my voice. You had cast me into the deep, Into the hea...
Living with the perspective that everything given to us is something "entrusted to us" by God will change the way we live. Subscribe SHARE A Prayer for “Guarding What’s Been Entrusted to You”By: Chelsey DeMatteis “Guard the good deposit entrusted to you.” - 1 Timothy 6:20...
Alisha is a proud wifey and dog mama living in Charlotte, North Carolina. You can follow her blog by visiting her website or connect with her on facebook + instagram. Editor's Note: We're proud to announce we've just launched a new nighttime companion to Your Daily Prayer: the ...
“Martin Luther” (Siena: Cantagalli, 2015), a small book by the historian Angela Pellicciari, sheds light on the real contents of Martin Luther’s preaching and writings. Reading the book helps us to understand many of the current debates. Especially today it is important to be aware of...
My favorite part of the holiday season is blaming my long-term weight gain on the holiday season. Merry Christmas! When you stop believing in Santa Claus is when you start to get clothes for Christmas. Happy holidays! I put so much thought into your gift that it’s now too late to get...
task because I was deeply convinced that this book should be in every person’s hand at this critical time, when the future of humanity hangs in the balance. Unfortunately, this book is already out of print, but the quotations used will illustrate how this book was...
Personally, the third verse is my favorite because he gives constant reminders that he’s still at it. Going out with six minutes on the beat,how much time is this nigga spendin on the intro?Tuscan Leather is his longest intro, but it also has the essence of an outro. As he continues...
But here we meet, in each of these parts of the text, with an εναντιοφανες, or "a seeming contradiction" in the terms. "To know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge,"—what is that, but to know what is unknowable? And to "be filled with all the fulne...