The glycemic index is a scale that rates how quickly a given carbohydrate causes blood sugar to rise. The faster that blood sugar rises, the faster that insulin is released. Insulin is a hormone that removes sugars from the blood. In general, refined carbohydrates, including sugars, rate much...
Look for GMO-free labels whenever possible or buy organic (which always means a product is not genetically modified). Microwave Popcorn: From the chemically-lined bag to the actual contents, microwave popcorn is at the center of lung cancer debates around the world. Not only are the kernels ...
According to the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse, high blood sugar means either you do not have enough insulin in your body or your insulin sensitivity is decreased and your body is not responding properly. Diet and lack of exercise are factors in high blood glucose. Having an infectio...
Water, and occasionally unsweetened almond or fat-free regular milk, are good sources of fluids. Eat more: Low-glycemic foods Eating carbohydrates raises blood sugar. The amount the carbohydrates in a certain amount of food raise blood sugar is the glycemic index (GI) of the food. People who...
It's been about six months since I've had any sugar - no fruit, and only low glycemic-load food. I had to because I was blacking out from a heart condition exacerbated by high blood sugar spikes, so the incentive was very strong, making it much easier for me than for those who do...